If you’ve finally decided to be mad as hell and not going to take it anymore and have found a better job, there’s a trap you don’t want to fall into on your way out the door. That trap is participating in an exit interview.
The fact that you’re leaving might lead you to believe that there’s no harm in offering some honest feedback on the areas that the organization can improve upon. The fact is that little is ever done with the constructive criticism that a company gleans by conducting exit interviews. The truth hurts and most companies are in denial of their issues so all you’ll do is label yourself a whiner or recalcitrant and burn the proverbial bridge. Even if they did act on the information you share, you’re leaving the company so whether they improve based on your suggestions or not is really inconsequential. Certainly to you it is. So why bother.
I personally have never witnessed an organization’s senior staff get together and discuss exit interview information with the intent of weighing the merits to decide whether action needed to be taken. I think they should however. And if they do management will be dumbfounded that any problems exist. This is specifically true if the organization is run by sociopaths. In fact the real reaction by management is that the exiting employee must have had an axe to grind or that he/she wasn’t a good performer anyway so why should he be believed. Good riddance.